Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wedding Advice

This advice is unsolicited by all who read my blog. . . However, it is solicited by a dear friend/old roommate of mine who is starting to plan her wedding in the next couple of months.  I needed a place to collect my thoughts . . . and that is what a blog is for. . . duh.

First Thing:
This is pretty much the greatest magazine ever.  It has the best time line to figure out when to get things done.  It has everything from your pre-spa visit to buying the gown listed.  Honestly, I would by this before even setting a date.

Second Thing:
 The real simple weddings website.  This is also a cannot live without.  It has checklists for everything.  I'm a huge fan of checklists because then I am less likely to forget something.

Third Thing:
I visited this site pretty much every single day.  What I love about it is that it had so many "inspirational" and diy thing on it, I just couldn't live without it.

Fourth Thing:
Again, with the websites, I fell in love with following blogs.  Wedding blogs.  And to list a few . . .

Style Me Pretty  
100 Layer Cake 

Green Wedding Shoes
Southwestern Bride
Once Wed
The Bride's Cafe

Fifth Thing:
I organized and I collected.  I created a folder to put anything I found in, along with receipts, color swatches, and whatever else I deemed necessary to keep.  I also created about a ba-gillion folders for my wedding on my computer along with a folder for all of the photos I collected for inspiration along the way.  Then Google Reader became by best friend with all the blogs I was following.  I was able to star my favorites and categorize blog ideas with their tags.

So, friend, I hope this helps you get started.  If I think of more, I'll post more.  I'm so excited for you!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

That helps a lot!!! THANK YOU!!! Did you set a budget with family before any planning? Or did you just do it as you go?