Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Funny the way it is

First Thing:
Dave Matthews inspires me in the weirdest ways.  I tend to listen to Dave Matthews or Counting Crows while working out . . . while reading the captions of the Real Housewives of the current city for the current season.  After my three mile run, I moved to the elliptical which was not located in front of a television with Bravo playing, which is probably why I was more focused on Dave Matthews instead of Gretchen (OC) or Jill (NY).

"Funny the way it is, if you think about it
Somebody's going hungry and someone else is eating out
Funny the way it is, not right or wrong
Somebody's heart is broken and it becomes your favorite song"
At approximately 0:56

"Somebody's going hungry and someone else is eating out"  

Second Thing:
It's taken Nate and I a while to find a church we want to become members of and commit our tithe to.  However, we have finally found one!  New Beginnings and we love it.  Although we've forgotten our membership applications quite a few Sundays, this Sunday is the Sunday we will finally turn it in.  This means that we will begin giving our tithe here.  Previously, we have been saving it and giving it to missions.  I have always had a giant heart for missions and Nate just has a giant generous heart and it just seemed right.  So now for the connection to the song, to good ol' Dave.  "Somebody's going hungry and someone else is eating out".  So while I was working out this gave me an idea since we still want to have a savings to give to missions and causes we support.  For every meal Nate and I eat out we are going to put the equal amount away in our missions fund.  I am hoping this will help us to cut down on our food spending, but also provide us an opportunity to really make it count when we do go out to eat.

Third Thing:
For some strange reason (and this may appear to totally contradict the second thing) I seriously enjoy watching The League on FX.  It is hilarious.

Fourth Thing:
While walking to Village Burger Bar with a co-worker, I spotted a familiar face sitting on the patio at Urban Taco.  It was the face of someone I haven't seen since probably the wedding (not by choice!) and have been meaning to connect with for the past couple of months now that we actually live in the same area!  We kind of stared at each other because it was so out of place and so random.  It was the best feeling and such a great start to a fun evening.  

Fifth Thing:
On a completely personal note I am so over TOMS.  Inquiring minds can know, but we were talking about it tonight at dinner.  Yes, I am totally over them.

1 comment:

lvillegas said...

Is it because they make your feet stink? Or maybe because you pay $40 for cloth and after awhile your big toe wears a hole and peeps out? Donate the $40 to a charity and skip the shoes. I've been over them since they came out.