Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Summer so soon?

First Thing:
Nate and I went to a baseball game last night and it just so happened that we sat right next to Greg Maddux and Mike Maddux's parents.  Nate was in heaven.  It was actually really cool and they were really fun to talk to.  Going to the baseball game made me excited for summer when Nate and I can get cheap tickets and enjoy the hot air.  After the score last night, I'm not sure the price of tickets will rise much more since it was a complete blowout.  I am pretty sure there really were Angels in the Outfield last night.  And can I just say, who knew little Roger would grow up to be Tom in 500 Days of Summer. 

Second Thing:
After a week-long hiatus (not by choice) from the gym, I am expecting Nate to take me tonight.  Monday night proved a little to much.  I am hoping tonight will be better and I can get back on track and on to my regular routine without having to slightly backtrack to my I just had dinner routine.

I really want another good hard thunderstorm tonight.

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