Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stinko de Mayo

First Thing:
My Cinco de Mayo consists of spending time with me, myself, and I.  It's actually not awful as I am working on updating my testimony.  I'm looking to making some changes in my life and this is a good place to start.  Possibly more to come. . . . I need to figure these things out first.

Second Thing:
I am currently researching gluten free/casein free diets.  I want to test it out for a few days to see what affect is has on my body.  I have a suspicious feeling I might be slightly allergic to either or both of these.  Luckily I have a doctor's appointment on the 16th that should help me gain more insight into this situation.  We shall see.

Third Thing:
I still miss my grandmother everyday.  And sometimes I forget she's gone and reach for the phone to call her.  Then I realize she won't answer.  It still breaks my heart.  Mother's day this year will be especially different.  Time heals all wounds.

1 comment:

Randi S said...

Hey Amanda! Thanks for posting on my blog! For the GF/CF, I did a lot of online researching. I have a few cookbooks from friends, but there are a plethora of blogs out there of adults and families who are GF/CF. The best way to know if you're allergic/sensitive is to see an allergist, but I know they are pricey. I would researching how long to take that stuff out of your diet because I'm not sure even a few weeks would be telling. :) We would love to meet up with you guys sometime! We were in Lincoln this weekend and Anthony was saying how he missed Nate.