When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
First Thing:
This past week has been the hardest week of my life. Harder than when Nate left for Iraq. My dearest grandmother passed away. She was such a beautiful person and my heart aches without her. I used to talk with her about every week and would look forward to seeing her every chance I got. She taught me so much about being a godly woman, about living life, and being a good wife. We traveled back to Colorado this week to celebrate her life and for the first time in my life I heard my grandpa cry (which was probably the hardest part of the trip). On a lighter note, I did get to see a lot of my cousins and I mean a lot. In the photo below, not even all of them are there. It's blurry but I'll find a better one.
When I got home, it was time to celebrate Nate's birthday. So we did. I bought him an assorted six-pack of his favorite beers, made pesto cavatappi (a knock off version of Noodle's & Co. found here.) because it's green, and baked Guinness chocolate cupcakes with Bailey's Irish Cream cream cheese frosting. I made them in 1/2 pint mason jars to test it out before the wedding shower I'm hosting this weekend. They are so good. They are so good I could eat them every night for the rest of my life, literally. Despite the fact that he had to report for guard at 3:30 AM on Sunday morning, he said it was the best birthday ever. He's 26 now, which means he's on the downward slope to 30. . . . YIKES!
Today I spent the afternoon with my family and we went through my grandmother's jewelry, dividing it up among the "five girls". I was blessed enough to end up with her wedding rings; the first one my grandfather gave my grandmother and the second one he gave her later once he saved enough money to buy her a bigger one. We will be getting them appraised, so for now I will be wearing my grandmother's original wedding band. It's so nice to have a special piece of her so close to me.
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Today I spent the afternoon with my family and we went through my grandmother's jewelry, dividing it up among the "five girls". I was blessed enough to end up with her wedding rings; the first one my grandfather gave my grandmother and the second one he gave her later once he saved enough money to buy her a bigger one. We will be getting them appraised, so for now I will be wearing my grandmother's original wedding band. It's so nice to have a special piece of her so close to me.
All I can say is . . . "it is well with my soul". That has been my comfort as of late.
Nate has been a true gentleman through all of this and has been a tremendous comfort. I can go to sleep without him by my side and he's been so patient, kind, and comforting. He's a special guy and I'm excited I get to spend the rest of my life with him. I hope to be married to him for 59 years like my grandparents.
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